7 languages in 7 weeks

Thank you for all the response over twitter about studying Seven Languages in Seven Weeks. We are going to start a study group on monday. You can participate from anywhere in the world. Here’s how i think it could work.

My ideas

We should have a get-together over Skype each weekend (starting tomorrow if possible!) in which we discuss the coming language, any tips for installing, share any prior knowledge of the language. In later weeks we can also start discussing languages we’ve studied, compare and contrast them, and share how we feel about what we’ve learnt.

During the week there is text to read and exercises to study and try out. You should be responsible for your own studying. Being busy is not an excuse: if you really want to do this you’ll make time. Personally, my schedule is insanely busy next week. It would be very easy for me to put this off and say it’s not a good time. But if i do that, when will it ever be a good time? We have said we want to do this, so let’s do it!

Please blog a lot about what you’re learning. It will help provide discussion points for the weekend skype chat.

Tweet a lot. I have decided that the hashtag will be #7languages7weeks – it’s the shortest it can be while still being meaningful!

Get the book

If you haven’t yet bought the book, you need to do that straight away now! There is still time to buy it from Amazon and get it delivered on time, but HURRY!

If you want to get it for Kindle or other e-reader you can order it directly from Pragmatic Bookshelf choosing the eBook format.

Sign up now

I want to know who is serious about this, so please sign up here:

I propose we have a skype call at 13:00 British Summer Time tomorrow. If that doesn’t work for you, please let me know straight away and we’ll see what works better.

If you think any of my plans could be improved, tell me. Let’s iterate on this until we get something that really works well.

Talk to me on twitter @sermoa or add me on skype – also sermoa.

Hope to skype chat with you tomorrow! :)

2 comments on “7 languages in 7 weeks

  1. Is it too late to join? The book is on the way but i’m guessing by now you would have been gone through the first week. :( Only just found out about it…

    • If you can catch up, you are welcome to join in! We’ve done Ruby and we’re starting in Io this week. Have a look on twitter and blogs and join in the skype chat at 2pm GMT on Sunday! :)

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